Lies, Lies, Lies

Most of my fellow Tech’s “com logs” were brief, cut-and-paste jobs. Some of mine were, too, but I tried to be more descriptive, and document complaints. Not sure why, I doubt any of them were read by people in positions of power …

On one of my weekend shifts at a PHP house (where they spend weekdays at the Clinic), a couple of guys were pissed off and ready to go home Against Medical Advice (AMA), due to “lies” told them by the sales company that my company used. I heard these complaints by too many of the residents to suspect they were made up…

COMMUNICATION LOG Shift: PM 16:00-24:00 Date: 3/18/17


Patient Information:

(note: CT = “client”)

1-1 J.F.- CT in living room when tech arrived. CT came to tech office and had emotional phone call home during which he discussed AMAing. Then spoke to peers, used phone again, talked to family. After call tech attempted to re-direct CT’s thoughts, emphasizing for him to put aside all his frustrations about this program and focus on the long term, what will be best for him and his family. CT socialized outside with peers. Tech attempted to re-direct some of the negatives in conversation about Clinic, “lies” from (the sales company), etc., toward positive planning and getting the most out of the program for the big picture/long run. Ct’s mood is volatile. Ct stated he was not feeling well and stayed in room during dinner. Ct was in bed early evening, tech checked with him, Ct stated “I’m ok. Ct stayed in room throughout the night.

1-2 M.F.- Ct was on phone when staff arrived. Ct upset about Clinic, having to stay much longer than he expected and “lies” (horseback riding, acupuncture, massage etc) he says (sales company) told him. Tech attempted to re-direct some of the negatives in conversation about Clinic, “lies” from (the sales company), etc., toward positive planning and getting the most out of the program for the big picture/long run. Ct states he wants to leave even if it means AMA-ing, although he shared he is not planning on leaving til speaking to case manager/therapist Monday as advised. Ct participated in group dinner and closing. At closing, Ct shared he had a great morning, “then things went downhill” when he heard the plan for him that he disagrees with. Ct stated he appreciates the house and housemates, otherwise does not care for the program. Later called his home. Ct watched movies later in the night.

1-3 M.P.- Ct was playing video games when tech arrived. Tech interacted with Ct, who otherwise was relatively isolated. Ct later played basketball and participated in group dinner and closing. At closing Ct shared he is just trying to live like a regular person and leave his addictions behind, and he had a positive day. Ct played video games through the night.

1-4 Open

2-1 B.M. CT was in basement watching movie when tech arrived. Ct seemed to be in a good mood. Ct finished preparing beef brisket he had been slow cooking all day, participated in group dinner and led closing. Ct shared he had a good day and enjoyed the outing, even though he was not a fan of the group meeting at clinic. Ct retired to room shortly after closing.

2-2 D.W. Ct was in kitchen when tech arrived. Ct then went to room to watch TV. . Ct participated in group dinner and closing. Ct shared he had a good day, enjoyed the outing but that the Saturday meetings at clinic are too chaotic to get anything out of. Ct made phone call, then retired to room shortly after closing.

3-1 J.W. Ct was playing video games when tech arrived. Ct later watched movie in basement. Ct shared he had a good day and is focusing on putting into practice replacing a negative thought with a positive one. Ct retired to room shortly after closing.

3-2 K.S. CT was outside when tech arrived. Ct socialized with peers, shared “I couldn’t fix this myself” and is glad he came here for recovery, though anxious to return home asap. Ct participated in group dinner and closing. Ct retired to room shortly after closing.

4-1 J.S CT was in kitchen when tech arrived. Ct then went to bedroom. Ct participated in group dinner and closing. Ct kept to himself most of afternoon/evening. Ct did laundry, retired to room shortly after closing.

4-2 LT CT was in kitchen when tech arrived. Ct did laundry and socialized with peers outside. .Ct participated in group dinner and closing. Ct shared he is looking forward to completing program and returning home early next week. Ct  did laundry, retired to room after closing.

Author: Tom Scanlon

Tom Scanlon started his journalism career as a sports stringer with the Pittsburgh Press (RIP) and Post-Gazette, then moved on to the Seattle Times, Mesa Tribune etc. He is the author of plays including "The Superhumans" and novels including "Ocean Shores Tourist Killer," "Atlantis City," and, now, "The Immaculate Jagoffs of Pittsburgh."

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